Friday, May 18, 2012


Our school is participating in another etwinning project called "Goodbye childhood" with other four partners, Italy, France, Turkey and Spain. Our task is very easy, we are going to show our educatial systems and how we spend our free time. At the same time we develop activities to promote a healthy style of life. We have meetings in the chat and in the pupils corner of the twinspace too.

So we have five main task:

1. Make a presentation about your educational system.
2. Show us how you spend your free time, you can use the tool you want.
3. Share with us at least one activity to promote a healty style of life.
4. Meet with us in the twinspace, in the pupils corner or in the chat, etc.
5. You can share your works in this magazine too.

I would like to invite you to participate because it is very easy.

This is our first work.


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