Thursday, December 1, 2011


On the 1st of December, María Teresa and María Jesús, the founders partners of the project Children and Reporters, tried  talk box to make a videoconference to improve the communication between partners and schools because all the partners want to have a videoconference before Christmas Eve.
The meeting started at a quarter past eleven and finished at a quarter to twelve.
Maria Teresa, from Italy, was in class with her students and María Jesús, from Spain, was in 6th class with her students too. All they were very happy and children took some photos to remember this fantastic and funny moment, and to write this new, of course.

After the videoconference we, the spanish students found some problems:
  • We must open the door to have a better conexion to internet because internet conexion in our class is very bad. We could listen to María Teresa, but we couldn't see her and her pupils very well.
In a few days we will have another videoconference with all the partners. The topics will be:
  1. Welcome and greetings.
  2. Tradictional Christmas Carols from all the countries. (Each country will sing a Traditional Christmas carol in his/her country)
  3. We sing together the Carol "We wish you a Merry Christmas".
  4. Any other bussines.
You can try talk box in our videoconference room, here on the left of the page, on this magazine, and be ready to talk and sing on the day of the videoconference. It is coming soon.
María Jesús working on the computer and María Teresa on the digital board.

Pupils in 6th class watching and listening to the videoconference.
Pupils in 6th class watching and listening to the videoconference.
Maria Teresa in Italy, talking to us.


anna sz. said...

So, when are you planning the videoconference? Is it possible for many schools in the same time? It can be very interesting!!!

María Jesús said...

Yes it is. Probably in the week from the 12 to the 16 of December. Yes, it will be interesting!!

Marina said...

I like the videoconferences

rodrigo said...

I want the videoconfence soon

Unknown said...

Hi everybody. Yes it's possible for many school in the same time but we must try the tools before. From 12 to 16 December, as suggested by Maria, we can have a first videoconference in which children present themself and become more friends. They can speak for example about language and teach to students of other partners school in what way call in own language some thing or present themself. When all is ok we cam organize the videoconference about Christmas carols? Do you agree?
Bye Maria Teresa and her students

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